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7 effective habits

Apply immediately and share with family and friends what you have learned. Remember: learning without practicing is not real learning, knowing without doing is not really knowing

_Stephen R. Covey_

  • Author: Stephen R.Covey
  • Publishing year: 1989
  • Publisher: General Ho Chi Minh City

Stephen Richards Covey, more commonly known as Stephen R Covey (1932 - 2012) is an American educator, writer, businessman and speaker, best known for his famous book 7 habits of the adult. reach (The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People) the bedside book of world leaders as well as billionaires.

S.R. Covey was on the list of the 25 most influential Americans in 1996 voted by Time magazine. He always emphasizes truthfulness, integrity, trustworthiness, compassion, dedication and respect as the core values ​​that make people successful.


7 Habits to Success - An eternal habit of an effective person

7 habits to become successful have formed one of the most valuable and famous books in the world about self-help - self-training to succeed in life. With 20 million copies published, translated into more than 40 languages ​​around the world, the work has spread extremely wide, not only in the field of training and developing human character but also voted. is one of the 10 most valuable management books ever.

The pattern of success map guides us to the source of attitudes and behaviors that help us make right or wrong choices, success or failure.
  • The first is self-control. Because if human life is the product of living conditions and circumstances, consciously or not, man has the choice to allow those things to control life. Whoever carries the "weather umbrella", whether it is sunny or rainy, you will always be firm, setting the value "creating high quality in work".
  • The second is the habit of starting with the destination. It is created on the principle that everything is created twice, first creation in mind, and second creation in the physical world. Before you depart, determine your destination and find the best route.
  • The third habit is the priority that matters. This is a mandatory principle in time management. Because as Goeth said: "The most important things are never backed down by the trivial things."
  • The fourth is win-win thinking. Humans are selfish, uncooperative without knowing that the more generous you are, the more you benefit both of you, the more successful you will be.

  • The fifth habit is to understand and to be understood. This is your habit that determines your dignity and your ability to listen, understand, and communicate. Before understanding, "standard" for someone, you must "prescribe" for yourself. Take the initiative to listen to yourself and the prisms of everyone around you.
  • The sixth habit is symbiotic cooperation. That is the habit of supporting each other in business. Stop being defensive, but learn to respect differences and resonate.
  • The last habit is to forge yourself. Reprogram your life because it awakens the best in each person, not to let yourself be seen and treated like a failure.
Each reader will realize that Stephen R. Covey is trying to make a difference for each reader, the effects are more "life changing" than any other lecture we have ever studied. As long as you want from the bottom of your heart, this book "7 effective habits" will surely be the key to help you unlock the true knowledge base, develop inherent potentials and change yourself. to "create dignity" in this busy and busy life.

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