VALUABLE BOOKS  Quintessential books

You can read anyone-Never be fooled, lied to or taken advantage of again

Reading anyone so as not to be deceived and taken advantage of will show you ways to capture other people's thoughts that are applied in practice. A psychological book suitable for young people who want to succeed in communication.


  • Author: TS. David J. Lieberman
  • Publishing year: 2018
  • Publisher: Labor
Dr. David J. Lieberman is a leading expert in the study of human behavior and relationships. He has published six books and has been translated into 18 languages ​​and has two books on the New York Times bestselling list. David J. Lieberman is also known as a guest of more than 200 shows such as The Today Show, Fox News, PBS and The View. In addition, he also teaches and organizes seminars in many fields across the United States.

The book is divided into 2 parts and 15 chapters
Part 1: Includes seven basic questions: It helps you to read others comprehensively and accurately so that you will have an advantage in all situations.

Part 2: When you learn how to read other people, it has turned into your instinct, now you have acquired important and necessary skills in life.
In communication when facing someone, how can you know if they are honest with you or not? Sometimes it only takes you to notice a few small actions of the opponent to be able to guess they are hiding something from you. Emotions are what master people, almost every human action is affected by emotions. If someone is deceiving you, they will definitely reveal a loophole, whether the reaction of the limbs or the dilated pupils will help you read someone else's taste.
In life, there are many times when you encounter situations where you need to "taste" other people. For example, when you participate in a discussion, discussing with the other person's eyes, you will know that they are. support or agree with you. This not only helps you with work, but also makes you more confident when communicating with others.
The research results of this book are given based on the S.N.A.P method - a methodical way to analyze and learn personality within allowed without offending the opponent to be analyzed. This method is based on psychological analysis, not merely on sign language, intuition or martial arts.
Philosophical statements are incorporated into the book
  • Confidence is a prerequisite for a good job - Samuel Johnson
  • Don't think you can hide your thoughts by hiding the existing evidence - Dwight D. Eisenhower
  • Forgiving an enemy is always easier than forgiving a friend - William Blake
  • A personality can open doors, but a new one holds open doors - Elmer G. Letterman
Not only dry theoretical lines Reading anyone's taste so as not to be deceived and exploited also gives readers methods to help you "taste" others easily. After reading this book, you will not be afraid that anyone will take advantage of and deceive you, you will always be the proactive in all situations.
The book not only helps you to "taste" other people, after reading it, you should consider it carefully, you may understand yourself better.

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