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Biography of Steve Jobs

Referring to Steve Jobs, we all know this great man. Thanks to him, we have the iPhone to use and above all he is also a very influential person in the computer industry. If you are curious and want to know more about him, then Steve Jobs Biography is absolutely the book for you. Not only about the development process, but also the stories behind that we never know about the founder of Apple.

  • Author: Walter Issacson
  • Publishing year: 2011
  • Publisher: Labor and Social Affairs
The short, "Steve Jobs" biography was compiled by former editorial secretary of "Time" magazine, Walter Isaacson, based on 40 interviews with Steve Jobs over the past two years and interviews with more than His 100 relatives, friends, colleagues and rivals, just released on Amazon on October 24 are consistently number 1 on the bestsellers list for both Amazon and Barnes & Nobles. This is also the first and only biography to receive the approval of Steve Jobs.
Steve Jobs Biography reveals many unprecedented information about Steve Jobs such as his gritty personality, singularity, his fight with cancer, his romantic relationships and His marriage to Laurene Powell or met his father Abdulfattah "John" Jandali ... And above all, it was the process he built and steered Apple to the success today with many mistakes and obsessions. not only about perfection. The work thus provides readers with an insight into the personality and achievements of Steve Jobs's life. (According to Tiki.vn)
Few people know that, from birth, Steve Jobs was abandoned by his biological parents and adopted. Perhaps this influenced his later decision when he also abandoned his girlfriend - pregnant with his first daughter, and refused to accept it as his daughter. Even when he became a millionaire, he refused to accept and support both mother and child, until a court decision forced him to do so. Because of that, the father and son relationship had many events and stresses, until the last years of his life.


Steve Jobs has 6 outstanding personalities:

  • He is a perfectionist, sophisticated and loves creativity
  • Easy heat for everyone
  • A person who is ambitious and wants to control everything
  • Be an assertive person
  • He can be very cynical and cold.
In the end, at a number of different times, Jobs displayed an incredible mix of irritability and lack.
About success

When it comes to his success, we will inevitably mention Apple. However, it is impossible not to mention Pixar - the animation studio has revolutionized digital animation, proving the success of the combination of computer (technology) and art.
The biography helps us better understand the people who have a profound influence in the technology industry in particular, by revealing the secrets of Steve Jobs's work and life. A person can forget everything, ignore everything just to focus on the job that he is pursuing. A person is willing to work for $ 1 a year, but there are times when his demands are overwhelming. A human can be said to be "weird" in life if we do not understand who he is.
Through this, readers will also learn a lot of new things. Especially who have been and are planning to start a business. At the same time it is also very useful for students who know what they should do while they are still in school. Then also through this biography, you can feel some rules in life, in the business world, or simply at work.
So what will you get by reading this book?
  • Great ideas
  • Consistency, intense with ideas
  • Perfectionism should be pursued
  • Get through hard times
This is a book worth reading if you want to know more about Steve Jobs, the stories in the book are almost impossible to find elsewhere. In addition, you will also know what he had to trade in order to be as successful as he was, through the difficulties he went through. So buy Steve Jobs Biography now and read.

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